Justin Biebers Upcoming Album

Are you ready for a new Justin Bieber album? It sounds like the young pop star has begun considering his next album and is already thinking about what it might entail.

Bieber told MTV News he hopes to focus on penning tracks himself, especially after doing so many collaborations. “I want to work a lot with myself,” he said. “And [I want to] write a lot myself. I will be working with a lot of other producers and stuff like that, but I’m just writing a lot, writing on tour.”
He added, “[I'm] writing about how I feel and producing. I’ve been producing on my laptop and on my computer. I’ve been really into it and, hopefully, this next album will be huge.”

Which means we can hopefully look forward to some sick beats the teen produces on his computer showing up on the album. As for what style the record might embrace? Bieber sounds a little confused about that. “I’ve done a lot on my acoustic guitar, so it’s gonna have that vibe,” he said. “I’m not gonna really limit myself. I think music is music, and genre— I mean, I know there’s country music, there’s rock music, but my music is different. My voice is not meant for any style. I just want to make music.”

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