SCOTTY MCCREERY - Clear As Day (Audio and Lyrics)

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Clear As Day

You were sitting on that Silverado bumper
Outside our locker room after the game
Glowing in the tan you got that summer
I walked by and you said 'Hey'
Yeah, that night's still clear as day

First time we'd ever beaten East Lincoln county
Big party down at Ricky Bowman's place
I walked up and threw your arms around me
You whispered you loved to watch me play
Yeah, that night's still clear as day

There ain't one second times erased
Every detail is still in place
You hold to what you love
Some things never fade
And that night's still clear as day

We went to catch some fresh air on the back porch
I put my class ring by the cross on your gold chain
You backed my back against those cedar clapboards
My lips ain't never kissed that way
Yeah, that night's still clear as day

There ain't one second times erased
Every detail is still in place
You hold to what you love
Some things never fade

I walked you to your brother's Silverado
When he climbed behind the wheel he seemed OK
Last thing you said is "I'll call you tomorrow"
That's a call you never got to make

They blamed it on the fog and pouring rain

That night's still clear as day

1 comment:

  1. I loved the first song I heard on the American Idol Show, I Love You This Much, but, I was delighted with the entire album, every song is a hit. You will not be disappointed!! Scotty McCreery's first album is sure to be just one of many, many more to come. This young man is extremely talented.
